What Is Subconscious Reprogramming?

Subconscious Reprogramming is a term that has become more popular in recent years and continues to grow in popularity. So, what exactly is it?

First, we all have a conscious and subconscious mind. Our conscious mind encompasses the apparent thoughts that we know we are having at any given moment. The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that makes decisions more on autopilot, without actively needing to think about them.

The subconscious mind is also where we store the majority of our limiting beliefs, which are thought patterns that are typically negative and do not serve us for our highest and best. These are the thought patterns that we typically pick up from childhood and/or negative life experiences that warps certain viewpoints more on an unconscious level on important life topics such as health, relationships, money, career, etc.

Often, what keeps us from living the life we desire, circling over and over again in the same repeated patterns and life experiences, is our subconscious beliefs. When we tap into our subconscious mind and gain clarity on the stories, viewpoints and limiting beliefs that are playing on autopilot all day long, that is when we can begin to break cycles that are no longer serving us.

Limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious mind many times were planted in our minds for survival. The majority of us do the best we can in the situations we are in, and certain thought patterns which may have served us years ago no longer do, and in fact are weighing us down and or blocking our goals and desires. Subconscious reprogramming is when you change your subconscious beliefs and habits to align with your current desired life.


Some of my favorite ways to tap into the subconscious mind and reprogram old belief patterns are:

-Emotional Freedom Technique or “Tapping”



-Emotion Code



-TBM work by Lacey Phillips and her Deep Imaginings “DI’s”

-Joe Dispenza’s work (books, courses and meditations)

 All of these modalities with practitioners that I love, can be found on our Resource Page.


If there is an area of your life that you would love to upgrade, enhance and manifest more of your goals with more ease in, then there are usually limiting beliefs stored in your subconscious mind on that particular topic. For example, if you are looking to improve your health and if it feels like no matter what you do, no matter how well you eat, exercise, etc. you are still struggling healthwise, then doing some subconscious reprogramming around health would be GREATLY beneficial to help break through any barriers to your healing. Our thoughts DIRECTLY impact our cells, organs, immunity, digestion, weight and physical bodies. Once we become aware of and begin to heal any thought patterns that are no longer serving us, we begin to see miracles take place in so many areas of our lives. If there is one thing that I could stress the most to clients, this community and the public as a whole – it is how incredibly powerful our minds are and that we are the true directors and captains of our ship of life. We all have so much more power to change our lives than we realize! 

I hope this post inspires you and gives you hope that there are always answers and solutions. Sometimes what it takes is going deeper inward to change our outward views.

Lots Of Love,
